Innovative Technology

Innovative Technology

Install and Conduct Exam Using IOS Application

Installation process: Open your App Store to download the QQ Application.Once the application is opend, Search Quality Question Application in the search bar.Download QQ Application: Click on the following icon to Download QQ Application successfully.Please wait while the QQ Application is downloaded. It may take several minutes. Once the Application is downloaded successfully, you will see it on your home screen. Now you can open your application by clicking on it. Please choose your university. Login Process: Please provide your valid username and password to log in to the “QQ Application.”Click login after you have entered the username and password. By clicking on login you will be redirected to the Exam Listing page. You can download your exam by clicking on the “Download” button. The following screen appears at the time of Exam downloading. Please wait while your exam is being downloaded. Your exam is downloaded successfully.Once your exam is downloaded, the Attempt button will appear against that downloaded exam. Identity Images Screen: After clicking on the Attempt button, the students will be redirected to the Identity Images screen. On this screen, you will get the following details:
  1. Exam Name
  2. Total Duration
  3. Remaining Duration
  4. Language
On this Screen, you need to provide your face image. By clicking capture your face, you will be able to capture and upload a picture of yourself. Follow these instructions to take the picture:
  • Your face must be clear while taking your picture.
  • There shouldn’t be any light behind you while capturing the picture.
  • Your internet connection should work properly.
If you want to Retake your picture, click on retake icon. After successfully adding your picture, click on the “Next” button.You can skip ID card picture in case of your supervisor allowed you to skip it. Click on the Take Snapshot of ID Card to add your ID card picture.Please keep in mind that your ID card picture must be clear as shown on the screen. After successfully adding your ID card, click on “Next”.By clicking on the “Next” button you are now redirected to the following page. Please read all instructions carefully before starting your exam. Note: You can see your exam joining time below, if your join time is over, you will not be able to join it. Click Start Exam to start your exam. By clicking “Start Exam” you will see a notification of App Self Lock. Please note that if you don’t grant permission, you cannot move further. Click “Ok” to proceed further.Click Yes to proceed further. This notification explains that you will not be able to access any other application while using QQ Application. Exam Screen: On below Exam Screen, you can see
  1. Remaining time: Your remaining time for the exam
  2. Summary: You can see the Summary of your exam.
  3. Marks. Marks of the given question.
  4. Multi Response: You have multiple responses questions.
  5. Skip: You can skip a question by clicking on it.
Click “Next” after solving your question. Now you are redirected to the exam screen where you can view following details. 1. Remaining time: You can view remaining time on exam conduction screen during attempting exam 2. Summary: You can see a summary of your exam here. 3. Marks: You can view your total marks. 4. MultiResponse: You can view multi responses items by clicking on it 5. Skip: You can skip a question by clicking on Skip. Click “Next” to move next page. On below screen following colorful boxes depict the various status of your exam. White box: All of your “Not Attempted” questions. Green box: All attempted questions Blue box:  All skipped question Click on “End Exam” if you want to finish your exam. By clicking on “End Exam” you will get a confirmation notification as one of the following screens. Please click “Yes” if you want to finish your examPlease be patient while your exam is uploading. Your exam data is uploaded successfully. Click “Ok” to move toward the next screen. You can view your score against attempted exams by clicking on “View Score”.
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